Trips Completed
Reaching milestones with every journey
11 Million
Happy Travellers
Delivering smiles to millions along the way
120 Million
KM's Covered
Covering vast distances with sustainable mobility
Pioneering excellence
for decades
Crafted with premium suede, our recliners come with extended leg rests
Maharaja Recliners
Each vehicle in our fleet is built with a focus on luxury and functionality
Custom Built Buses
Technology that ensures you have a smooth, bump-free ride
Advanced Air Suspension
Enjoy limitless content on your phones with a personal USB charging port on every seat
USB Charging Ports
Stay comfortable in any season with our advanced temperature control systems
Heating & Cooling A/C System
Our support team is available round the clock to handle any urgent matter
Convenient and clean washrooms inside the vehicles
Washrooms Inside
Ensuring safety and peace of mind throughout your journey
GPS Tracked Vehicles
Experience Comfort Like Never Before!
With features like Maharaja Recliners, USB charging ports, and advanced air suspension, your journey is guaranteed to be luxurious and smooth. Reserve your seat today!
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Find Us at
Plot No.1, Transport Nagar,
Sector 33, National Highway 48,
near Hero Honda Chowk, Gurugram, Haryana 122001
© 1965 Modi Bus Wale